

English Legend of the Condor Heroes

Legend of the Eagle Shooting Hero

Traditional Chinese 射雕英雄传
Simplified Chinese 射雕英雄傳
pinyin She Diao Ying Xiong Zhuan
Vietnamese Xạ Ðiêu Anh Hùng Truyện

The Legend of the Condor Heroes was Wuxia Writer Jin Yong's third novel. Written in 1957, it was originally published in the Hong Kong Commercial Daily newspaper.



In the 3rd edition of the novel, there are forty chapters, which are listed below listed Simplified Chinese with English Translations.

  1. 风雪惊变 Incident in the Blizzard
  2. 江南七怪 Seven Freaks of the South
  3. 大漠风沙 The Winds of the Steppes
  4. 黑风双煞 Dark Winds' Twin Killers
  5. 弯弓射雕 Crooked Bow Shooting Condors
  6. 崖顶疑阵 Mysterious Happenings at the Cliff's Summit
  7. 比武招亲 Joust for a Spouse
  8. 各显神通 Each Demonstrating His Skill
  9. 铁枪破犁 The Broken Spear
  10. 冤家聚头 Gathering of the Foes
  11. 长春服输 Changchun Admits Defeat
  12. 亢龙有悔 The Proud Dragon Repents
  13. 五湖废人 The Crippled
  14. 桃花岛主 The Lord of Peach Blossom Island
  15. 神龙摆尾 The Dragon sways its Tail
  16. 九阴真经 Arts of the Nine Negations
  17. 双手互搏 Technique of Ambidexterity
  18. 三道试题 3 Test Questions
  19. 洪涛群鲨 Great Waves of Sharks
  20. 窜改经文 Doctoring the Scripture
  21. 千钧巨岩 Heavy Weight of 1000 Jun Rock
  22. 骑鲨遨游 Roaming with the Sharks
  23. 大闹禁宫 Disturbing the Forbidden Palace
  24. 密室疗伤 Healing in the Secret Room
  25. 荒村野店 Desolated Inn in the Village
  26. 新盟旧约 New Allies, Old Stipulations
  27. 轩辕台前 Pavilion's Platform
  28. 铁掌峰顶 Peak of Mt. Iron Palm
  29. 黑沼隐女 The Lady Beyond Black Marsh Pit
  30. 一灯大师 Reverend Monk Yi Deng
  31. 鸯鸳锦帕 Mandarin Duck Handkerchief
  32. 湍江险滩 Dangerous Shore Beyond the Rushing River
  33. 来日大难 Upcoming Disaster
  34. 岛上巨变 Radical Changes on the Island
  35. 铁枪庙中 In the Temple of the Spear
  36. 大军西征 The West Expedition
  37. 从天而降 Descending from the Sky
  38. 锦囊密令 Secret Order Within the Brocade
  39. 是非善恶 Distinguishing Good & Evil
  40. 华山论剑 Duel on Mount Hua



Guo Jing Huang Rong


Yang Kang
